Sci-Fi Lobotomy Toolset


Programs Used: Adobe Substance Painter, Blender 3D

Goal: To create objects based on the controversial medical procedure the lobotomy. Brief Lobotomy History: The procedure was first performed in 1935 by Egos Moniz followed by Walter Jackson Freeman of USA. The procedure involves severing the nerve connections between the frontal love and other regions of the brain to reduce agitation, anxiety, and other mental health problems. It has proven to be successful in the worst way possible. Today, it is extremely frowned upon and is not in practice.

Character Description: A privately funded group of highly skilled scientists that perform lobotomies on people to keep them from being exposed to the rest of the world. Their test subjects have escaped the laboratory and the scientists are now on a manhunt to protect all their classified intel and get their test subjects back. These various tools help with the process of their lobotomy procedures.


An explosive hammer used as defense against the lab rats (test subjects). This hammer Is fully built out of galvanized steel making it extremely heavy and hard. The two end pieces are unscrewed to allow for numerous attachments to be added. Current attachments are explosive devices. Brain Removal. Has unknown sci-fi like grips.


Inspired by an ancient skull drilling helmet, this object holds a similar function. This is used to make large incisions on the skull. This allows for blood draining, or a better look at what is going on inside while performing the lobotomy procedure. Under the sci-fi gel like guard, there is a extremely sharp 1.5 inch drill bit that has no problem grinding through bone. This process can be done automatically by activating the on-board chip

Modified Gas Shotgun

This modified pump-shotgun has been equipped with gas, claws, and a mask attachment. The lever has been re-machined to pull open and close the claws at the front of the weapon. Upon squeezing the trigger, an unknown neuron gas will be administered to a patient that is acting out of control. This can be used to gain control of people from a distance. Still a functional shotgun and could theoretically be modified to shoot bullets, spray gasoline, and more.


Originally a morphine injector, this needle weapon has been modified to inject a sedation serum into the subject at ease. The brass knuckle attachment serves as a defense mechanism in case the patient is acting irrationally. Injection is controlled by the top hand punch where a pump is then activated. The pump causes a propulsion of serum to be injected within milliseconds.


Camera Animation


Subway Render